AE-150 - Portable Partial Discharge/ Detection and Localization System for Power Transformers

The AE-150 is designed to detect and localize Partial Discharge activity inside oil-insulated power transformers. This instrument is a powerful diagnostic tool that combines electric and acoustic sensing technologies to perform partial discharge pinpointing.

The AE-150 is designed to detect and localize Partial Discharge activity by correlating acoustic and electric sensors’ data. It has many acquisition modes, each used for detecting and locating Partial Discharge activity in a transformer. The AE-150 unit is mounted on the transformer tank using its powerful magnets that also hold four acoustic sensors. Acquired data is sent to its Mirador-Tx  PC software where all advanced positioning functions are implemented. This cutting edge software allows easy data interpretation and reporting.

Developed in partnership with Hydro-Quebec and IREQ, the AE-150 brings a high level of acoustic and electrical expertise in an easy-to-use and efficient product.

Main features:

  • Easy to install and easy to use
  • Portable, battery operated
  • Wireless data transfer, weatherproof
  • Automatic configuration and 3D positioning
  • Simultaneous processing of Acoustic and Electric signals

          Specifications          Application Note


For a quick quote or more info please email us at: or call us at 905-936-6979